Learn Executive Function Skills

Executive Functioning Skills

Who knew that all that play was beneficial we did growing up?  Working with Discovery Toys I’ve learned about Executive Functioning Skills.  What are those you say?  Those are the skills employers wish all their employees had.  Who wouldn’t want an employee that had:

-Inhibition:  The ability to not always act on instinct.  Sometimes it is best we do not share what is going on in our head.

-Flexibility: Sometimes things change and work and some people struggle to go with the flow.

-Emotional Control: Has anyone ever over-reacted at your workplace?

-Initiation:  Seeing what needs to be done and working at getting it done.

-Working Memory: Did they really forget to what they were supposed to do?

-Planning & Organization:  Always a plus in the workplace.

-Time Management: Yep, enough said.

-Metacognition: The ability to look at the whole picture and realization how each piece fits together.  

-Goal Directed Persistence: Starts a task and follows through to the finish.

If you want your children to be a productive member of society-let them play.